Entries by network9

Cannabis Law Presentation by Doug Wasser, Esq.

Doug Wasser, Attorney and Cannabis law expert spoke at The Forum on Cannabis Law. He brought us all up to date on the latest developments in this exploding industry and a lively discussion ensued. Listen to the audio transcript here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/tHzm1iRGZ3xqCLW6eVtBLMfTkhEY72Eh2h7cdcZJzoUo5wGfWEJYd7kgwqddS3PF.kXsnl1NTpVXbxnnc The PW is: qLg$^0+. (Include the period) The presentation starts at 00.13.10


Vikram Rajan presented at this month’s Forum on the Top 5 Internet Marketing Trends for your small firm in 2017. View the video below.  

VIDEO: Bobbie Foedisch Talks About Linked In Strategies

Bobbie Foedisch of All About Leverage gives this month’s Forum talk. Bobbie is a Linked In and Social Selling expert who offers trainings and strategy to individuals and corporations on how to leverage their connections to build a referral network. Here is the video of her talk at the Forum event. Check it out!